Flowering season update
It has been an unusually late flowering season here in Ashbourne. The long period of very cold weather we experienced from late May has acted to slow down the progress of the Hellebores coming into flower. But we are finally seeing some good flowering now which should last till the middle of September at least.
In the nursery we have started our exhaustive hand pollination of our stock plants in the hope of plenty of seed to sow later in the year. And we have lots of newly germinated seedlings coming up from last years crop which we are about to pot into tubes ready for next year.
In the garden it is not too late to remove any old or messy foliage from your Hellebores and give them some fertiliser. And make sure there is not too much mulch/fallen leaves smothering the plants as they appreciate a some space, light and air movement at this time of year.
The Nursery is open every Sunday now through till the end of September. As a production Nursery we are not usually open, so this is a rare chance to see how we propagate and grow our Hellebores. You can also view an unmatched range of Hellebores available for sale (both tubestock and flowering sized plants). Well worth a visit over the next six weeks or so to get the full peak season Hellebore experience.
You can get directions and other information about our Open Sundays here:
Details about our Open Sundays
For those who can’t make it to the Nursery we are still posting out Hellebores to all States except WA. Winter is an ideal time to plant Hellebores, so if you need a few more Hellebores for the garden have a look at the selection here:
Visit the Online Hellebore Store