Late Season Update
We have been enjoying a good run of mild sunny weather here in the Macedon Ranges over the past six weeks or so. We are almost finished pollinating our stock plants for this season and we are midway through tubing up next years Hellebores. All reports are that Hellebores in gardens in this part of the world have also been enjoying the mild sunny weather over Winter as well.
We had a visit from the Better Homes and Gardens crew last month and a story on Hellebores by Melissa King and featuring Post Office Farm Nursery is available to view here.
The Nursery will continue to be open over the next three Sundays (final Open Sunday is September 24th). So if you had been thinking of a visit, now is the time. Still plenty of plants in flower to see. Talk on Hellebores and nursery tour at 11am on each Sunday we are open. You can get directions and other information about our Open Sundays here:
Details about our Open Sundays
Our Online Hellebore Store is still open with a huge range of Hellebores ready to be posted out to your door. It is not too late to plant Hellebores and we still have many varieties still available, so if you need a few more Hellebores for the garden have a look at the selection here:
Visit the Online Hellebore Store