The Hellebore Specialists

Open Sundays

31st May 2022 by peter


Starting from this Sunday June 5th, Post Office Farm Nursery will be open to the public again this year.  We will be open to visitors every Sunday from June till the end of September.

We look forward to welcoming visitors to the Nursery over Winter.  Our sales area is undercover and we are about an hour’s drive from most parts of Melbourne.

We will have the usual extensive range of smaller one year old seedlings in 75mm tubes available for sale.  We also have larger Hellebores in flower which are only available from the Nursery.  This year we expect most of the larger flowering sized plants to be available during July and August.

You can get directions and other information about our Open Sundays here:

Details about our Open Sundays


For those who can’t make it to the Nursery we are still posting out Hellebores to all States except WA.  Winter is an ideal time to plant Hellebores and we still have most varieties still available, so if you need a few more Hellebores for the garden have a look at the selection here:

Visit the Online Hellebore Store


If you have not done so already, now is the ideal time to remove the old foliage on established Hellebores and give them a feed.

For Helleborus x hybridus varieties that have been planted for two or more years and are a reasonable size you can remove all of the old foliage right down to near the base of the plant.  Leave any new growth.  This will tidy up your plants and show off the flowers this winter to better effect.  For the taller shrubby species Hellebores such as H. argutifolius, H. lividus, H. x sternii or H. foetidus, don’t remove the foliage now, wait till after flowering in spring.  Also a good idea to remove any build up of mulch or leaves from around the base of the plant to allow for good light and air movement.

At the same time you can give your Hellebores some food.  Any complete fertiliser (ie one that has nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous) such a dynamic lifter or osmocote will be fine.  A light dressing of dolomite lime will also be appreciated.


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